A Discipleship Curriculum for Families with Young Children


God has blessed TWR Canada, the creator of Families Following Jesus, with the resources to create tools for the global Church. We, in turn, wish to bless those who are using it by making use of our content as unrestricted as possible.

On many of our resources, you will see a copyright notice such as: “This content is © Trans World Radio Canada, and may be used in any way you like as long as you use it with the purpose of reaching the world for Christ and do not charge for the use of the material.”

Content with this copyright notice is free for you to use, share, and adapt, subject to some very basic requirements.

Let’s break these requirements into two categories:  Use & Adaptation.


Content with this license is free for you to use (and share) in your evangelism and discipleship ministry, with just one main requirement: You agree that you will not charge people for it.1

If you’re interested in making the full Families Following Jesus library of resources available through your website or app, please contact us first. We may be able to simplify the process for you!


You are also welcome to adapt this content to better suit your evangelism and discipleship ministry, with just three requirements.

  1. You agree that you will not charge people for the content1
  2. You agree to include an attribution or acknowledgement in your adaptation that references the original source and the Families Following Jesus website.2
  3. Any content you create must be released with a similar license.


1 Families Following Jesus, and adaptations you create, may not be sold for a profit.  Limited direct cost recovery for printing/photocopying or other distribution is permitted, though we encourage completely free distribution as much as possible.

2 There may be cases, especially in countries where there may be security concerns, where it is not wise to attribute these resources to yourself, Families Following Jesus, or Trans World Radio Canada. In these limited cases, no attribution is required.

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